Krystal: I am overjoyed to announce that 9 Marshall is now the home of a plank-off champion. That’s right folks, I said CHAMPION! For five grueling minutes, one of us planked her way to fame- and a free t-shirt. Sweat dripping from all pores, muscles fatigued, determination high…
Kate: Wait a minute - Were you even there?
Krystal:...Okay, so I am doing that thing that I do when I tell a story that you told me, and I make it seem like I was there and I know how it went. You know how much you love when I do that!
Kate: First of all, this is why Krystal would be a great social media specialist or PR person. Maybe I should hire her to rewrite my profile.
But really, it was true to say that sweat was dripping, muscles were fatigued, and determination was high. I can be quite competitive at times. I think that comes from my sports days.
Kate: The shirt was a nice extra incentive, but I was more focused on being the last one standing. I practice planking a lot, so I knew I would be a contender.
Krystal: I, on the other hand, started crying a little today when Kate made me hold a plank for a minute at the end of my third Body by Kate session.
Kate: Surprisingly, neither of the four men there were in the final three. It was me and two other women, and they were focused.
Krystal: Who runs the world? Girls!
Kate: When the four and a half mark hit, I figured I had another minute before the fatigue would get to me, but fortunately, I didn’t have to wait that long. At the announcement of 5 minutes, the woman next to me (the former plank-off winner) dropped to the ground.
Krystal: You should have seen how amped up she was when she finally arrived at Siam Orchid for dinner.
Kate: Yes, I was pretty pumped about the contest, but I think I was equally as excited at that point to devour some Pad Thai. The only thing better than a good workout is eating good food afterwards.
And I’d like to add that Krystal’s plank is noticeably improving. So though she may have made some crying-like noises today, she did better than the last time. Before you know it, we will be having regular plank-offs at 9 Marshall.
Krystal: And we leave you with that image. Happy Snow Day everyone!
PS. I actually want to leave you with the secret message I found in the wall at Bagel Works today.