Unless it's a Rain Day.
Thursday, you sweet sweet vacation extender, you.
Krystal: Being teachers, there's nothing like the first snow day. As soon as the temperatures had dipped below freezing, heck, way before that, we had placed a bet about which day of this sure-to-be-too-long winter we would have our first snow day. We both had confidently picked days in mid-December, hopeful that we would have just one before vacation. December flew by, vacation arrived and life was good.
Kate: We were starting to have visions of being on the beach mid-June as opposed to early July and really believed that the Almanac’s prediction of the coldest and snowiest winter in years was false. Then came Hercules. Typically, I would never want a snow day on a Thursday; it’s the best day of the week for me at school, and it means the weekend is close by. Something about returning to school on a Thursday, post New Year’s really did seem awful though, so I was secretly hoping we could have just one more day and return Friday for one fast-paced day before the weekend came. When the news hit that our wish had come true, I knew that I had to do something productive with my bonus hours (since I hadn’t in the week and a half prior, really).
Krystal: God forbid she sleep until noon and lay around in sweatpants all day (My not so secret wish for just about every non-work day…)
Kate: It was time to get down to business. Only after a trip to the gym and some snow day pancakes of course.
This is how I roll. |
Krystal: The gym- Ew. The pancakes- yum! But the pressure to perform got the best of me, and I too decided to be productive. I spent the greater part of my room pulling things...all SORTS of things out of my overflowing drawers. I started with my tights- a collection of over 40 that I am overly impressed by. I’ve heard word that teachers shouldn't wear colored tights- it’s a young look to be sure. But as I rolled each and every pair of my rainbow colored leg coverings, I felt supreme vibrancy and started plotting outfits.
Kate: I had a mission: mop the kitchen floor. For some, this might not be a big deal. Enjoyable perhaps even. But I have never classified myself as a cleaner. I didn’t get the clean-gene. As an almost 35 year old, I figured it was time to start seeing what this hard-core cleaning thing is about.
Krystal: I still have almost five years before this urge is liable to strike...
Kate: I had good intentions a couple of months before when I actually bought a new mop. I conveniently “couldn’t find the time” though before now, what with having to be places like Live Juice, Hermanos, Bagel Works, Portsmouth, and Boston. It’s hard being a socialite (said in sarcastic tone).
First, I busted out the vacuum for a pre-cleaning of the floor. I even moved the baker’s rack that probably hasn’t been moved in years (Kell, you can attest to this). I moved furniture out and was ready to go. And go I went. After about 5 minutes of some intense scrubbing, I was starting to sweat, so off went one layer of clothing.
Would Martha clean wearing this? |
Krystal: This is around the time that I snuck out of my room to see what the heck was going on out there...and HAD to snap a picture. The sight was priceless, but I couldn’t sit around and watch; I promptly ran back to my room in case she asked me to help scrub something.
Kate: I was like Cinderella, if she had just come from the gym.
Krystal: I was like the mouse that hides from the evil cat. You know, that fat one...Gus Gus.
Kate: I was feeling so accomplished once the kitchen was done that I moved on to the bathroom. I hadn’t committed to this in my mind once starting because the bathroom in our apartment can be a scary place. It really is true what they say about just starting something though because it gave me the momentum to keep going.
Meanwhile, Krystal was still “organizing tights”. - I knew exactly what she was doing. I mean she does have a lot of tights, but over an hour’s worth???
Krystal: To be fair, I unloaded many drawers...my numerous scarf drawers, my strapless bras and shoe laces drawer, and my broken necklaces, contacts, kitschy buttons, and tacks drawer….all needed to be cleaned, I assure you.
After hours of scrubbing on Kate’s part and hours of avoiding scrubbing on mine, we decided to hose off and take our show on the road. A quick trip to Live Juice for some sustenance and a chilly shuffle down the street to True Brew Cafe, and we were about to do the thing we had talked so long about doing. We started this here blog!
There has since been another snow day on Friday- snowy, frigid and wholly uneventful.
Kate: Unless getting your car door handle replaced is an event.
Krystal: And getting Beauregard, my devilishly handsome 2008 Honda Civic, a little oil jobby and inspection…
Kate: Thank God we had the weekend to relax after all of that. A trip to Portsmouth was just what we needed to get out of the house and mentally prepare for the inevitable return Monday.
Krystal: With my bags by the door, my “I’m such a rebel” nose hoop safely resting in a drawer and replaced with my “I’m a teacher” stud, and my back to school outfit laid out, I went to sleep promptly at 10:15 PM- ready to get back to this teacher thing once and for all.
Kate: Except that didn’t happen. A rain day, however, did: freezing rain, light rain, heavy rain. Rain of all kinds. Which brings us to the present.
Krystal: Which was, I suppose, a present. Because on this day, the words they were a flowin’.
You’re welcome.